Stan K. Harlan
Stan K. Harlan began his structured settlement career in 1978 with Shearson American Express, becoming Vice President and National Marketing Director. Beginning his career in 1978, Mr. Harlan became one of the first structured settlement consultants in the nation. He quickly became one of the nation’s early experts in what was a relatively new industry. Stan is dedicated to assisting injury victims, claimants, and their attorneys in resolving their legal financial claims, and advocating the injury victim’s right to choose settlement planning advisors and financial and guarantee providers. He is also a founding and voting member of the National Structured Settlements Trade Association (NSSTA), and is among the first 100 industry professionals from across the country to earn the designation of Certified Structured Settlement Consultant (CSSC), offered by NSSTA through the University of Notre Dame’s executive program.
In November of 1995, the National Structured Settlement Trade Association (NSSTA), in conjunction with the University of Notre Dame, conferred upon Mr. Harlan the designation of Certified Structured Settlement Consultant (CSSC), in recognition of his successful completion of course study culminating in a comprehensive examination covering such topics as insurance casualty claims practice, state and federal laws pertaining to tort settlements, medical reversionary and special needs trusts, macroeconomics, the art of negotiation and business ethics. At the time, Stan was one of only ninety-seven industry professionals from across the country to have earned this designation.